Navicat Blog

Navicat for MySQL 17: Empowering Smarter Business Decisions Jul 26, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

On May 12th, Navicat added several major updates to existing products, including Navicat Premium, Navicat BI, and Navicat Data Modeler. One of the most popular Navicat tools, Navicat for MySQL, also benefitted from the new updates, receiving much of the same exciting new features as Navicat Premium. Today's blog will be covering just a few of the improvements that you'll find in the new Navicat for MySQL 17.

Creating Custom Fields In Navicat BI: Concatenated Fields Jul 19, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Welcome to part 2 in the Creating Custom Fields In Navicat BI series. Part 1 laid the groundwork for adding custom fields to your Navicat BI charts, starting with Type-Changed Fields. Today's blog will continue with Concatenated Fields. As with the last article, we'll be using a data source that connects to the free "dvdrental" sample database.

Creating Custom Fields In Navicat BI: Type-Changed Fields Jul 11, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Back in the sneak peek at Navicat 17, we were introduced to a couple of new Business Intelligence (BI) features, namely Chart Interaction and Calculated Fields. It bears stating that Calculated Field are not the only type of custom field available in Navicat BI. In fact, there are five: Type-Changed, Concatenated, Mapped, Custom-Sorted, and, of course, Calculated. This blog will lay the groundwork for adding custom fields to your charts, starting with Type-Changed Fields. Over the next several weeks, each blog will cover a different field type. As in previous blog installments, we'll use a data source that connects to the free "dvdrental" sample database.

Navicat BI Tutorial: Chart Design and Dashboards Jul 3, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Business Intelligence (BI) is the practice of transforming data into actionable insights that empower organizations to streamline productivity and achieve better overall performance. This blog recently introduced the new Navicat BI, which is a tool that helps BI professionals better understand their data through the creation of data visualizations such as charts, graphs, and dashboards. Last week's blog walked us through the process of creating a workspace and data source in Navicat BI. Today's post will cover how to design an interactive chart and present it within a dashboard.

Navicat BI Tutorial: Creating a Workspace and Data Source Jun 21, 2024 by Robert Gravelle

Navicat BI is a tool that helps you organize and transform your data into meaningful information through reporting. This is achieved via interactive dashboards that summarize the insights gained, along with workspaces that may be easily shared with colleagues and business leaders to make informed decisions on both operational (day-to-day) and strategic (long-term) matters. Today's blog will walk you through the process of creating a workspace and data source Navicat BI. Next week's post will cover how to design an interactive chart and present it within a dashboard.

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