In the Understanding Database Transactions blog, we leaned how transactions are a fantastic way to guard against data loss and inconsistencies by guaranteeing that all operations performed with a transaction succeed or fail together. In today's follow-up, we'll learn how to employ a transaction within a stored procedure in order to ensure that all tables involved remain in a consistent state.
Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability, or "ACID", was coined by Andreas Reuter in 1983. It's a concept in database management systems (DBMS) that identifies a set of standard properties used to guarantee the reliability of a database. ACID properties ensure that all database transactions remain accurate and consistent, and support the recovery from failures that might occur during processing operations. As such, it is implemented by nearly all Relational Databases.
Many organizations make some effort to protect their data by implementing input validation within their applications. As valuable as that is, it should be noted that many cyber attacks are aimed squarely at the database servers themselves, where application security does not come into play at all! As a Database administrator (DBA) or Database Developer, you have tremendous power to reduce the risk of cyber attacks, and/or damage that may occur as a result, including from the most common form of cyber attack: SQL Injection. In today's blog, we'll explore a few practices that can greatly reduce exposure to SQL Injection attacks.
Not so long ago, the word "atom" referred to a thing that could not be split any further. Despite having discovered that atoms themselves are made up of even smaller particles, the term continues to retain its original meaning. With respect to relational databases, Atomicity means that operations (DMLs/DDLs, etc.) executed by the database will be atomic. The unit of atomicity usually provided by relational databases is a transaction. Why is this important? A guarantee of atomicity prevents updates to the database occurring only partially, which can cause greater problems than rejecting the whole series of operations outright. In today's blog, we'll learn what Atomicity is and how to enforce it within your database instances.
Both GROUP BY and ORDER BY are clauses (or statements) that serve similar functions; that is to sort query results. However, each of these serve very different purposes; so different in fact, that they can be employed separately or together. And that is where things can get a little dicey if you are unsure of what you're doing. In today's blog, we'll learn what each clause does and how to use them together for the ultimate control over your query output. To do that we'll be using Navicat Premium against the Sakila Sample Database.
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